Kim Merritt

I’ve always loved to draw. As a pastor’s wife and homeschooling mom, I had to carve out time for art. In 2013, I was showing my art at a local event when a woman stood looking and then proclaimed, “You really are more of an illustrator than a fine artist.” I admit, my heart did sink a little, but when I got home I searched online for Christian illustrators. What I saw made my heart soar! That lady was right! I love drawing people and animals and scenes from stories. I did lots of research and some sample illustrations, prepared my website, and put myself out there as a Christian illustrator. Now, after having illustrated over sixty books, I am so very thankful to the Lord for this delightful work and for that honest lady who challenged me.

One of my authors introduced me to CED in 2014, and I was thrilled to find Christian freelancers working together to help authors. It has been wonderful to be a part of the team.

Currently we are serving in ministry in a rural area of New York state. I still carve out time for artistic things: playing my guitar, writing songs, painting, teaching art classes, and displaying in galleries. I have started writing and illustrating my own Christian children’s books, which has given me insight on all my author clients have to go through to see their books finished and successful. 

My favorite verse is Psalm 63:8: “My soul follows close behind You; Your right hand upholds me” (NKJV).
